”her early leave’s a flower,
but only so an hour.” (2)

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: I AM HYPERSENSITIVE. the smallest of things can upset me and it takes a lot for me to come forward about it. i also can feel threatened very easily, like people are doing things to act against me. this also makes me tend to push away at times. the hypersensitivity issue can trigger this threatening feeling if the issue that made me upset doesn’t get resolved within a bit after it happened.
i have ocd, depression, and asperger’s (i know asperger’s is an outdated term, but that’s what it says in my record), possible bpd, and god knows what other mental illnesses. tl;dr, im very mentally ill
i’m not good at social interactions at all (i am not as confident as i may or may not seem)
i will get very annoying if we become close friends
i have anger issues
i have a disorganized/fearful-avoidant attachment style
i’m emotionally unavailable
i can get very nervous to the point where i physically can’t bring myself to do the thing that i’m nervous about

stuff in bold for these next two sections means that i really would like these people to interact / not interact

the outsiders musical fans, abba fans, the outsiders fans in general (all media: book, movie, tv show, play, musical), the karate kid + cobra kai fans (same universe), serial experiments lain fans, writers, really just anyone who has similar interests to mine, flamingo fans, theatre kids, band kids, jewelry makers, artists

do not interact:
basic dni criteria, people who make fun of my interests + music taste, people who make fun of my friends, anti-shifters, sam larusso (mary mouser) haters. i can’t stand people like you, proshippers/darkship/lolicon, toxic k-pop fans, toxic ppl in general, people who support weirdos (wilbur soot, dream, donald trump, etc)

other cool stuff that’s important cuz i said so: